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TGIM & Blue Recap

By March 31, 2014TGIM

What an amazing weekend together! The speakers was inspiring, the conversations were challenging, the music was incredible, and God was moving powerfully among us refreshing and inspiring a greater vision for our vocation and our lives. Let’s shout a collective THANK YOU to the Blue team who made the conference a pleasure to attend!

You can look forward to seeing photos and recaps from Blue 2014 in the coming weeks, but for now, re-live the action through our twitter link #blueconf.

As we go back to work today, let’s remember Aaron Graham’s call to action that God’s mission HAS a church. We are carrying out the truth of Christ when we live differently at home, at work, at church, and in our whole lives.  I loved this Tozer quote that Aaron shared with us on Sunday. Let’s live this week with God’s vision!

———- Thank God It’s Monday! ———-

“God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible. What a pity we plan only the things we can do ourselves.”

-AW Tozer

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Hi My Friend,

​​​I’d like to invite you to join me on March 24 & 25​ at Blue Conference
Blue is a two-day ​event​ designed to engage people thoughtfully in difficult conversations through curated talks​ (think Ted Talks). Together we’ll explore the ideas shaping our culture and ​explore how​ to find answers in a changing culture​ and embody the gospel in this moment.​ ​ I think you’ll enjoy the conference so I already purchased a ticket for you. Here is a sample of the topics and speakers:

· Sexual Brokenness and the Hope of the Gospel // Steve Arterburn
· Race, Faith and Hope for America // Dr. Michael Waters
· Rediscovering God: Reconciling Faith and Science // Mike McHargue
· The Science of Feeding the World // Dr. Hongda Chen
· Parenting in a Digital Age // Dr. Steven Argue
· Q & A – Refugees and Politics

Please let me know if you can join me as soon as possible.

Your Friend