What an amazing weekend together! The speakers was inspiring, the conversations were challenging, the music was incredible, and God was moving powerfully among us refreshing and inspiring a greater vision for our vocation and our lives. Let’s shout a collective THANK YOU to the Fairfax.cc Blue team who made the conference a pleasure to attend!
You can look forward to seeing photos and recaps from Blue 2014 in the coming weeks, but for now, re-live the action through our twitter link #blueconf.
As we go back to work today, let’s remember Aaron Graham’s call to action that God’s mission HAS a church. We are carrying out the truth of Christ when we live differently at home, at work, at church, and in our whole lives. I loved this Tozer quote that Aaron shared with us on Sunday. Let’s live this week with God’s vision!
———- Thank God It’s Monday! ———-
“God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible. What a pity we plan only the things we can do ourselves.”
-AW Tozer